Frequently Asked Questions

FAQS About Stubbs Soft Water

Stubbs Soft Water FAQS
Basically, the resin or mineral inside the mineral tank is specially designed to remove “hard” particles of lime and calcium, by a simple ion exchange process. The resin beads inside the softener tank have a different or opposite electrical charge than the dissolved particles of the incoming water. Because of this electrical charge difference, the dissolved particles suspended in your water will cling to the resin beads on contact, thereby ridding the water of these particles, causing the water exiting the unit to be “soft”. The resin has a limit to how much of these hardness particles it can hold, which is why there are many different sizes of softeners and also why regeneration or brining is required.

Yes. Increased pressure raises attrition rate and can prematurely fail equipment. We protect and size our equipment to deal with high water pressure.

Yes. Utah’s water is four times harder than anywhere in the nation. We design and build all equipment for Utah water conditions.

Chlorine can degrade softening media. Our proprietary media has much slower attrition rate than traditional resins.

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