When it comes to soft water, there are a lot of misconceptions. Here are six common myths about soft water debunked.

1. Soft Water Is Bad for Your Skin

Hard water contains magnesium, calcium, and other minerals and metals that can be drying or even damaging to your skin. By softening your water you are actually removing a lot of those substances that could be compromising your skin barrier and exacerbating chronic conditions like eczema, so everyone in your household can enjoy bathing in water that won’t dry out their skin.

2. Soft Water Leaves Behind a Film

On the contrary, soft water is actually a more effective cleaning agent than hard water, meaning it will give you a better soap lather and a better clean when you wash dishes, clothes, or your body so there’s no nasty film left behind. Additionally, soft water won’t leave behind hard water stains and soap scum on glass or clog your pipes with sediment like hard water will.

3. Softening Your Water Removes Essential Minerals

This is technically both true and false. While the body certainly does need magnesium and calcium, the primary minerals removed during water softening, to function properly, the minerals in hard water are actually in an inorganic form that the body cannot digest. If you’re concerned about getting enough magnesium and calcium the best way to get it into your body is through the foods you eat, not through your water.

4. Softened Water Is Saltwater

Although salt is used to soften water it doesn’t turn it into saltwater, in fact, the water absorbs very little salt from the process. When you take a sip of softened water there should be no detectable salty taste.

5. Soft Water Will Increase Your Sodium Intake

One of the biggest myths about soft water is that it will greatly increase your sodium intake, however, softened water really contains very little sodium. Softened water accounts for less than 3% of the average person’s sodium intake, whereas processed foods and table salt make up most of the difference. If you’re still a bit nervous about sodium levels consider softening your hot water and leaving your cold water hard for drinking, that way you can still reap some of the benefits of soft water. If you are on a low-sodium diet for medical reasons, it could be a good idea to consult with your physician before you begin to use softened water.

6. Water Softeners Are High Maintenance

Most water softeners need very little maintenance aside from the occasional tune-up and refilling of salt. A good water softener should last many years, so make sure to do your research in order to find a high-quality product and installation company.


Contact Stubbs Soft Water

Now that we’ve debunked the myths about soft water start reaping the benefits, contact Stubbs Soft Water today. We offer fast installation on a wide array of top-quality products that are sure to last. We proudly serve the Southern Utah area, including St. George and Hurricane, and we guarantee your satisfaction.

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