One of the best things you can do for your home is install a soft water system. Here in Utah, where hard water abounds, adding a water softener has a considerable impact on the performance of your home’s plumbing and appliances, as well as the health and wellness of your family.

What Causes Hard Water?

Most of the state of Utah experiences hard water. This means that besides the H2O molecules you are familiar with, there are other trace minerals found in water, affecting the chemical makeup. The most common minerals are calcium and magnesium, and the amount found within a water source determines whether the water is hard or soft. 

Hard water has 121 to 180 mg of calcium carbonate per liter of water, and anything over 180 mg of calcium carbonate per liter is considered very hard. A quick look at the U.S. Geological Survey’s map of water hardness in the United States reveals that nearly all of Utah has very hard water.

Why Treat Hard Water?

While hard water isn’t toxic, it does have some noticeable effects on both your home’s pipes and plumbing, as well as your health. The calcium carbonate particles found in hard water can deposit and build up over time. When you see a film on your glasses after washing them in the dishwasher or the cloudy haze on your glass shower doors, those are hard water deposits. 

The same buildup, also known as limescale, occurs within the pipes of your home’s plumbing, which can lead to a whole host of issues. The diameter of the pipes can actually become narrower, reducing the flow of water and changing water pressure. Sediments can also deposit into your water heater, shortening the appliance’s lifespan and reducing its effectiveness. 

Hard water can also cause your soaps and detergents to work less effectively, making your laundry dingy. Your skin and hair are affected as well, creating irritation and dryness. With all these issues, it’s challenging to come up with a reason why you wouldn’t treat hard water.

What Does a Water Softener Do?

The best soft water system will negate all the harmful effects of hard water, leaving you with quality softened water. To soften the water, the calcium carbonate must be removed. The most common method for accomplishing this is to run the water through a water softening system. As the water flows through plastic resin, the calcium and magnesium positive molecules stick to the resin, releasing sodium molecules in the water. The calcium carbonate is then periodically flushed out of the system with a saltwater solution to refresh the resin and ready it for continued use. The result is softened water flowing through your home’s plumbing.

Protect What Matters Most

When it comes to your home and family, you want only the best soft water system, and that’s what you’ll find with Stubbs Soft Water. Our experts can help you determine the proper water softening system for your Southern Utah home, matched to your individual needs. Whether you live in Iron County or Washington County, give us a call at 435-313-5131 or contact us online.

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